Back Pain–What Are The Causes and How Do You Get Rid Of It?

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There are 65 million Americans that suffer from back pain. In fact, it is the second most common reason that people go to the doctor. It is very difficult when you are suffering from back pain because it limits certain activities. It can cause a disturbance in your quality of life and hinder the things that you enjoy . So what exactly causes back pain and what can you do to treat it?

What Are The Causes Of Back Pain?

There are several things that can cause back pain. The following are medical conditions that can cause problems:

Low Back Muscle Strain
Herniated (Ruptured) Disc
Degenerative Disc Disease
Spinal Stenosis

There are also some “practical” things that we do that can cause back pain:

Lifting Heavy Objects
Twisting Our Back
Pushing or Pulling With Our Back
Not Warming Up The Muscles

So What Can You Do To Treat This Back Pain?

Medication: The most common thing that is used to treat back pain is medication. Things like Ibuprofen or Acetominophen, to stronger drugs like Percocet or Lortab can commonly be used for the pain. Also, a doctor may prescribe muscle relaxers to help with any tight muscles. However, even though these medications may help for the short-term, it is not fixing or treating the problem. There are many other options that you can use to try to locate the source of the pain and get it fixed.
Heat or Ice: Using Heat or Ice application can be very beneficial for back pain. Ice packs can be used more effectively for acute injuries (injuries occurring less than 72 hours ago) because it can help decrease the sudden inflammation of the injury. This inflammation can often increase the pain level. Applying ice for 15-20 minutes, every 2-3 hours can be very beneficial. However, do not sleep on an ice pack because this can cause frostbite. After this initial 2-3 days after injury, heat becomes the option of choice. Heat will cause the tight muscles to relax, which can help decrease pain. The heat also causes increased circulation to the area, which facilitiates healing. You can apply heat for 15-20 minutes every 4-6 hours. Again, do not sleep on a heat source as this could cause burns. Of course, with any treatment, it is best to always check with your doctor.
Massage Therapy: Massage therapy is a great option when dealing with back pain. However, it is not recommended for acute injuries. Massage therapy utilizes physical pressure to the muscles to help facilitate relazation of those muscles. If the muscles then relax, it can decrease pain. Massage therapy also increases circulation to the muscles, which facilitates healing.
Chiropractic Care: Chiropractic care is another alternative option to medication. Chiropractic treatment doesn’t use medication or any surgical procedure, thus making it a more preferable alternative. Chiropractors believe that getting the spine in its proper alignment will facilitate the body to heal itself. Therefore, Chiropractors treat by spinal manipulation. This manipulation moves the misaligned vertebrae, which takes pressure off of the pinched nerves. Some chiropractors also use additional therapies with their treatment, such as traction, electrical muscle stimulation, trigger point therapy, and rehabilitation exercises. These additional treatments can help to decrease muscle soreness and inflammation, which can help to facilitate healing. After a few chiropractic treatments, you can feel a decrease in symptoms, and in some cases, become pain free. This will reduce the intake of any medication and most especially, allow you to increase your activities.

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